The Red Arrows

The Red Arrows displaying at Ryde Sands for Armed Forces Day on the Isle of Wight.

Photographed from Gilkicker point, Gosport.

For more information on the Red Arrows search the RAF website

Northumberland Coast AONB

Northumberland Coast AONB. Castles, beaches, the Cheviot hills, kippers and the home of Earl Grey tea at Howick Hall.

Stubbington Library Exhibition April 2023

Stubbington Library Exhibition. My third exhibiton at the library. The main theme being local interest and further afield landscapes.

Most of the locations have been reached on foot or by bicycle with the minimum of camera equipment.

As the ‘Wild Isles’ television  documentary is showing, more than ever it is vital to preserve and protect our green spaces, where ever they may be, and  the wildlife these green spaces support.

Also on show is an ‘almost forgotten’ display highlighting UK crafts that are in threat of being lost.Stubbington Library Exhibition

The exhibition runs until the end of April.

Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. Festivities to mark the platinum jubilee of Queen Elizabeth ll on Thursday 2nd May 2022.

Platinum Jubilee Celebrations at Lee on the Solent

Thousands enjoyed the sun and entertainment on the seafront at Lee on the Solent.

Road closures meant Marine Parade became the venue for one of the biggest ‘street parties’ in the south.

Acts included Believe A Bubble, Hoop Ballerinas, Balloon and Stilt Man, Punch and Judy, Live Music, HMS Sultan march and the lighting of a beacon to mark  70 years of reign by Queen Elizabeth ll

Click on any thumbnail below to view the images in a carousel.

Cycle for Sophie

The start of a 24 hour cycle for sophie ride looping  around Titchfield, Gosport, Lee on the Solent and Hill Head. The aim is to raise  money to provide Sophie and her family with additional financial support and she fights her battle against Anaplastic Rhabdomyosarcoma. To read more about Sophie and to donate please follow the link here.

Please click on any thumbnail below to view the images in a gallery.

Thanks for looking!

Lockdown Cycling 2020

Lockdown Cycling. Despite Coronavirus and lockdown it was still possible (and encouraged) to cycle locally for exercise. Later, restrictions were lifted and cycle rides further afield were permitted.  My 1000 mile total (to date)  was made up of  rides around the Meon Valley, along the Meon Valley Trail, frequent rides around Gosport and  Lee on the Solent, trips to the shops and what has become an annual ride around the Isle of Wight.

Even the government (and local authorities) have been pushing the cycling theme  “Thousands of miles of new protected bike lanes, cycle training for everyone and bikes available on prescription will be rolled out under new plans to overhaul cycling and walking in England launched by Prime Minister Boris Johnson today (Tuesday 28 July).”

Sadly some of the local pop up schemes have been dropped (one such scheme after a local councillor had a ‘discussion’ with the Highways Authority.

Please click on any thumbnail to view my lockdown cycling  photos in a carousel.

Perseid Meteor Shower 2020

The peak time for the perseid meteor shower was the 12/13 August. Unfortunately the weather forecast of overcast skies proved to be accurate. 

However, on the evening of the 11th August, after taking just 8 frames, I caught this meteor! 

Perseid Meteor The Perseid meteors are caused by debris from the comet Swift-Tuttle burning up upon entering the earth’s atmosphere. They are named after the constellation Perseus as they appear to radiate from the same direction in the sky as Perseus
The Perseid meteors are caused by debris from the comet Swift-Tuttle burning up upon entering the earth’s atmosphere. They are named after the constellation Perseus as they appear to radiate from the same direction in the sky as Perseus

Lower right are the planets Saturn and Jupiter 


Comet Neowise C/2020 F3

Comet Neowise – or to be exact  C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) photographed from Stubbington, Fareham, UK.

Until the sixteenth century, comets were usually considered bad omens of deaths of kings or noble men, or coming catastrophes. Take your pick from the current president of the USA, Brexit and Coronavirus.

More information on Comet Neowise can be found here

Blood Moon post

The comet will reach its closest distance from Earth on 23 July – though it will still be about 64 million miles (103 million km) away.

It will be visible in the northern hemisphere – including the UK – just before sunrise and after sunset.

From the middle of July onwards, the comet will be visible all through the night, but always low in the sky in a north direction.

It’ll then head out of sight as it travels deep into the solar system.

Meon Valley Hampshire

Meon Valley Hampshire

The sun streaming through a mist and frost covered woodland in the Meon Valley Hampshire

The first hard frost of 2020 covering the Droxford area in the Meon Valley

Saint Mary and All Saints Church at Droxford has recently opened  a cultural centre and café. The Meon Valley Trail, a walking, cycling and horse riding trail along a disused railway passes to the east of Droxford .

Please click on the thumbnails below to view the images in a carousel.

Photographs by Barrie Webb

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